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Residential Director


Makayla Gishi has dedicated her professional life to working with youth who have special emotional, behavioral, and/or physical needs.


Makayla was born in the Marshall Islands and adopted at age 9. With 15 siblings, many of whom are adopted and foster siblings with significant special needs, she quickly developed a unique skill set of patience and acceptance.

Makayla has successfully worked as a team leader in therapeutic residential group homes, which focus on helping those who come from backgrounds involving trauma, mental illness and learning disabilities. She has also worked in residential homes and day service programs for youth with developmental delays and autism. She has a talent for seeing the best in people by working through their challenging behaviors and limitations in order to find success and personal happiness.

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RENEWED HOPE RANCH 425 East 6000 North, Enoch, UT 84721 // PH: (435) 691-4318

Copyright © 2022 RENEWED HOPE RANCH I  Residential Treatment for Girls

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